Fairies Have Arrived!
I’ve been eagerly awaiting the emergence of the Fairy Slipper orchids that pop up here in May. I haven’t seen any—until today.

It’s the only one. I’m afraid it’s too dry. We haven’t had any rain since the snow stopped falling. Drought conditions prevail over the West, and here the snowpack is below normal. I‘ll pray for some rain, for these incredible little sprites who only appear for a few days each year.
They are easy to miss, they are so tiny:

Can you see that little magenta fleck at center?
Their energy, and that of their neighbors—the Trulliums, Huckleberry and Wild Roses—inspires me a lot when I choose to create my own artwork.

”Fairy Slippers” is a mosaic light painting I created from their incredible, tiny inspiration. The photo above shows the reverse glass painting. The other side of the piece shows off the glass mosaic with all of its texture:

I enjoy using this layering of media to create depth and invite you “into” the light and energy of plant life. This, to me, is the energy of light, and of fairies.
The Trilliums are the first flowers to break the winter ground and brighten the dead earth.
Here’s my interpretation:

Both of these pieces, as well as translucent, two-sided prints, are available for purchase in my website SHOP.